Monday, July 26, 2010


more on the continuation of my saga de drama: it's decided. I like her.

my therapist, that is.

today was my first session and we both agreed that I didn't really, wholeheartedly want to be there. oh my goodness. we were on the same page.

side note: I'm with my nieces in the pediatrician waiting room and the strangest woman just walked by. I think she did her hair with egg bearers. shes got children's teal keds on with neon raindow knee socks, a plaid mini skirt, and a children's neon green and teal tie die t-shirt (she cut the neck out of course) from elbow to wrist, the woman had an assortment of leather and brightly colored bracelets, and to top it all off, dangling from her ears were two snake earrings. this would not have bothered me, if her kids hadn't been screeching like bloody hell the entire time.

wow. you can't make up shit like that.

anyways. I'm gonna see how this therapy thing goes and maybe i'll get some insight into the inner workings of my brain.

on an exciting note, a missionary couple that I'm really close to is finally going to get to move to China. yay! they leave at the beginning of next month and once they get settled in they want me to stay with them for a few months! Omg my dream is missions! this is surreal!! wow

stay beautiful, stay strong, and know that you're loved



  1. I almost said that woman sounds awesome until you mentioned the screaming kids. Whatever happened to teaching your kids to be seen and not heard? I would have had the living daylights knocked out of me with the wooden spoon if I got noisy in public!
    Glad you're doing good with therapy! I've been thinking of going, but then I took the alternate route and am now back in school for psychology...
    Have a lovely week, my dear!

  2. oh my gosh how have i not known of your blog until now? i love your writing - the sarkaso/cutting flesh thing especially. made me laugh. AND you have something i wrote at the top of your quote section. that just fucking rules man. anyway i hope your relationship with the therapo continues to flourish :) also my mum just came back from doing vietnam doing mission work with a bunch of australian surgeons performing eye surgery & said it was the most amazing experience, so i hope you do get to go to china!

    xx sarah
