Thursday, June 17, 2010

my life is fucking crazy

i was working full time as a receptionist when my sister got sick. she went to the hospital and I had to miss work... turns out her baby was in danger so they did an emergency c section. my boss told me to call when shit calmed down and they would put me back on the schedule. my sister had a beautiful 3 lb baby girl but her blood pressure was so high, her brain swelled. things calmed down and I called work... no answer.. after countless messages and no response, I gave up. I know. its fucked up. jenn hired me as a nanny full time (50 hrs per week) its been almost a month and the baby has gained weight but yesterday my sister had a crippling headache that made her nauseous and pukey. she saw a neurologist and they think she may have a blood clot in her brain!! Wtf!

oh yeah and I passed the fuck out which frightened me into eating a little more than I should

needless to say, I've gained 2 or 3 lbs

on a brighter note, I went on a date last night :) it was a good one too. I got chills when his fingers danced across my body and yes ladies, when we kissed, I got butterflies. seriously, just so you know a bit about me, that RARELY happens anymore. I can't stand the waiting for him to call or text. it's driving me bonkers!!

I might update y'all again later



  1. im so sorry about your sister. i hope tht everything works out for her. but im happy that you went on a date and had those girlish feelings!! <3

  2. congrats on your baby niece and i really hope your sister gets healthy soon.
    and your date sounds perfect! good for you :)
