Thursday, July 22, 2010


firstly, thank all of you for the support and love :) I seriously wouldn't be here without you.

secondly, here's an update on my life... and all its atrociously complicated mishaps.

I've been better about keeping the binges in check lately. woot. then yesterday, out of the blue, I notice that a carrot cake has snuck into the bottom of my cart. Im glad I didn't witness the stealthy fucker in action because.. well... I'm sure it would haunt my dreams. instead however, I disposed of the evidence. fuck me. one bite.. mmmmmmm two, three, four nomnomnom, eleven, twenty three, munchmunch, thirty one, cramstuffgorge.. oh shit........ waddle waddle waddle.... pukespewvomit.

Damn you sneaky baked goods.

never again.. NEVER.

I've found that I dehydrate myself because, subconsciously of course, I'm terrified that some of that calorie free beverage will get confused, make a wrong turn, and stay permanently lodged on my body. greasy, waxy, yellow, fat.

I'm a bit of a head case.

love you so much


  1. Seriously, baked goods are the devil. They are so damn tempting : ( I wish they were never invented. That's exactly what's screwed me up in the past.

  2. Fucking baked goods. Spawn of SATAN!!!

    *Hugs* Water has no calories! Dehydration makes you feel hungrier, or sometimes your brain mistakes thirst for hunger, or something like that o.O

  3. damn cake i hate those they should just die already
    please drink water blacking out from dehryadtion isnt fun just ask me

  4. Honey, you really have to make sure you drink lots and lots of water. It helps with bloat, and keeps you hydrated. So keep drinking, because I like having you around.

  5. hi, i live in Italy and lucky for me i learned english in 6 grade. i like your blog it's very inspirational. i even started my own blog. please give me support.
