Thursday, February 9, 2012

I thought I was someone who could never be in love..... But I really think I've found it.

We'll see if this time is different

I loved Alex do much, it made me sick. I loved him so hard it hurt. I loved him with everything I was.

He didn't reciprocate.

I was empty.

And then.... It happened...
And I love him
I really do.
He's the one and I know it
I just don't want to fuck it up this time

God it's crazy

I never though I would find him



I took 7 laxies.... He knows

I puked my face off

He knows

He literally wants me to be his partner for life. What. The. Fuck?????? I'm literally crying as I type

How does this happen???

I drank a bottle and a half of wine
I know... Bad choice...
But he's in love with the real me. U would give anything to know that. He loves me truly and deeply without ever having any kind of sexual relation.

Aside from a fingergasm lol ... Or two

(I need to puke up the calories of the wine)
I need to know that he's going to be there... Aside from just saying it...


Well....... My dad just got home... Surprise!!!! I'm wasted and my father is attempting to start conversation about his backpacking trip...

I'm a waste of space


  1. I don't know where guys like this come from, but there need to be more.

    You are NOT a waste of space. You're the best use of space I can possibly think of.

