Tuesday, June 22, 2010

and it's too damn hard to fall asleep in this wrecking yard

My mind wont let me fucking sleep. I got a UTI yesterday so I went to an after hours urgent care and got a prescription for some meds that I'm supposed to take with food. needless to say, I have yet to follow the doctor's orders and chase the little buggers with food or milk.

I'm 122.4 today thanks to a binge this morning at about 4:45. it consisted of baked beans, corn on the cob, and special k cereal. I purged when I woke up. today I have yet to eat anything except for those little bastard pills. I've been drinking calorie free slimquick all morning and I did my nails and laundry and taught my niece some sign language. all in all it's been pretty productive.

I don't know if any of you have felt this way but I spent about a half hour reading through some of my favorite blogs and well.. I suck at writing.
my posts are a big pile of poop.
I sorely lack the originality to post something of real substance and honestly with my full time nannying I dont even know if I have the time to devote to the struggle to wrack my brain in hopes of some witty comment or musing so that I may appear original.

ughh. I'm new to blogging, clearly.

Thanks to all of you for sticking it out and maybe even sometimes reading these posts

i love you all annnnd if y'all have any tips on running this blog please please please fill me in. I'd love it.


  1. :) You don't need tips. I have a blog and I bet nobody reads it ever. It's just there for myself, like a diary.
    You're being original if you write anything, there's no point in being entertaining if it's not who you are. It's always interesting to hear a true voice. Now this sounds soppy. Byebye xx

  2. The way you write, is the way you write, lovely.
    It's you, who you are.
    That's originality in itself.
    And while you may love what someone else does, the best thing would to learn to love what YOU do.
    There can be nothing more benifitial than that.
    So, no more of this 'I suck' thing, okay? :)
    your days are productive! I wish I could learn sign lanuguage, that's pretty impressive :) I do hope you're alright, x.

  3. I just caught up on your blog :p I don't find anything uninteresting about it so far! Two things that may tighten up your writing a bit are: using punctuation to pace it (You know, commas for little pauses) and watching out for massive "run-on" sentences. (Lol, sorry. I'm a Grammar Nazi and language student >.<;)

    Thank you for your post about 'Truth-First' Christians and 'Grace-First' Christians. We seem to get more 'Truth-First' here, and they scare me. (Do they scare you?) They seem to be the types who'd wave flaming torches yelling "Repent or die!" *Hides under nicely non-flammable bed*

    Practice makes perfect. (Old saw, but a good one!) Screw wracking your brain, just write whatever the hell you feel like. It's YOUR blog after all! :p

    Have a good weekend, don't do anything I wouldn't enjoy ;)

