Tuesday, June 15, 2010

back on the horse

alright.. last week I was doing pretty well until I started passing out.... I passed out in the middle of a high school graduation and had to explain that to everyone... let me tell you... awkwardddd

ANYways. over the weekend I was eating a lot.. like a lot a lot and not purging it all up so long story short I"m back on the horse again. I don't even feel like I deserve to be in this community anymore but I know that everyone has these shitty times in their lives...

I love you all!!

stay gorgeous!!!


  1. so sorry you passed out, that's never fun

    I don't think that's happened to me since high school - geez 8 years of being too fat to pass out is really kind of sad.

    thanks a lot for completely bumming me out today, jk - just more motivation to stop making excuses for being fat, right?

  2. honey if you feel like you shouldnt be in this community for one bad weekend, thn i for def dont belong here. your ok honey. your doing well =] better thn me.

  3. thanks lovelies!! I just want to be fucking skinny again and my fucking face looks like i'm a fifteen year old boy!! I'm so frustrated w/myself right now

    thx for the encouragement though
